NDT & Structural Analysis Consultancy
Our team of experts have a wealth of NDT R&D experience and can also provide high level consultancy for structural mechanical analysis, material optimisation such as composite calculations. They are trained to use the latest analytical software (Finite Element, custom made analytical models etc.), tools and equipment to offer a comprehensive range of NDT and design consultancy services.
Applying both scientific research and engineering capabilities, we can offer a complete integrated solution consisting of custom scanning hardware, NDT system and structural analysis. With these diverse services we can offer complete high quality and cost effective results tailored to meet customers specific requirements.
Non Destructive Testing: technique optimisation
AMS focuses on providing advice on best NDT techniques to be used according to your problem and configuration on a wide range of techniques. When required AMS experts can offer numerical modelling of most type of ultrasonic techniques currently available on the market (typical single crystal UT, Phased array, TFM, probe design and optimisation etc.). Modelling can be used to predict the performance of the ultrasonic technique, the equipment and optimise the design and/or important parameters. The design optimisation will take in consideration for example the environment, the type of material , the geometry etc. Modelling is the ideal tool to reduce the cost of technique optimisation and can be combined with laboratory experiments.

Here are some example of techniques AMS can provide expertise on:
Ultrasound (Modelling available)
Phased array (Modelling available)
FMC-TFM , metallic and non metallic material (composite material, HDPE etc.) (Modelling available)
Probe design and beam optimisation (Modelling available)
Digital X-rays
Eddy Current

Finite Element Analysis
AMS can provide an extensive range of numerical modelling analysis using Finite Element tools. Nowadays, FE modelling is not only an add-on tool, it is fully part of the design process in order to reduce cost whilst insuring that the best optimised set-up is obtained. Our experts can advice, create, run and carry out the analysis of results for your ultrasonic development work that will help you to get the best out of your budget without any compromise on the final result. The work can be carried on isotropic and non isotropic materials, typically metals or composite materials.